details of my thoughts about the various essays, art works, artists, curators, events and discussions i encounter online.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Josephine Bosma: Vuk Cosic interview

Vuk Cosik interview

Although this piece was written in 1997 Vuk Cosic asked what he considered a rhetorically pompous question "does the globality of the audience automatically mean the universality of the topic". Well Vuk, let me help you out five years after the fact.


The part of the article that resonated with me was when he argues that net art conferences is actually net art. I was an invited artist at FILE 2004 in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The symposium brough in net artists from around the world and we together we formed a net. We had interesting conversations of the past, present, and future of net art. That felt more like net art to me than being online at home.


Blogger da5id said...

I guess i just don't like "rhetorically pompous questions" just don't ask the obvious as questions in the first place. It doesn't make think or rethink any deeper it just makes you look stupid. So i guess there really is a "stupid question."
The graphic is Vuk's logo. I meant to link it to his site. Check it again/

8:36 PM


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